Of all the protective styling options out there, human hair lace wigs are by far the most natural looking. In addition to keeping our natural locks tucked away, the number of looks we can create with just one are literally endless.
Maybe you want to dye it a bold and vibrant shade. Perhaps you want to braid it into an updo. However you decide to
wig out, it makes for a stylish way to keep warm in the coming months. And let's be real, lace wigs also make looking
fabulous on-the-go easier than ever. For many of us, finding a new do begins with inspiration and
Instagram is the best place to start. These beautiful black women are proof that sky's the limit for wig wearers.
Prepare to be amazed!


Waist-Length Fabulosity, Deep Middle Part Full Lace Wig,Ombre Color Human Hair

Naomi Campbell has to be an inspiration for this sexy look.






2 @fabbyledutches/instagram
Wet N' Wave Greatness
You can never go wrong with a top knot!




Bone Straight Bob,Yaki Straight Lace Front Wig,100% Human Hair Natural Looking
Sexy and sleek: the perfect hair combination!


Pretty In Pink
Nicki MInaj would definitely approve of this bubblegum pink bob.


Beautiful In Burgundy
Loving the dark and sexy shade of these waves!




6 @fleekaveliii/instagram
Camera-Ready Curls
These curls belong on a red carpet.